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Installation and Setup

Installing LineaPy


LineaPy runs on Python>=3.7 and IPython>=7.0.0. It does not come with a Jupyter installation, so you will need to install one for interactive computing.


To install LineaPy, run:

pip install lineapy

If you want to run the latest version of LineaPy directly from the source, follow instructions here.


By default, LineaPy uses SQLite for artifact store, which keeps the package light and simple. However, SQLite has several limitations, one of which is that it does not support multiple concurrent writes to a database (it will result in a database lock). If you want to use a more robust database, please follow instructions for using PostgreSQL.


LineaPy offers several extras to extend its core capabilities:

Version Installation Command Enables
minimal pip install lineapy[minimal] Minimal dependencies for LineaPy
dev pip install lineapy[dev] All LineaPy dependencies for testing and development
s3 pip install lineapy[s3] Dependencies to use S3 to save artifact
graph pip install lineapy[graph] Dependencies to visualize LineaPy node graph
postgres pip install lineapy[postgres] Dependencies to use PostgreSQL backend


The minimal version of LineaPy does not include black or isort, which may result in less organized output code and scripts.


LineaPy works with JupyterHub!

If LineaPy is installed by an admin, it will be accessible to every user. The admin can set the LineaPy extension to be automatically loaded by adding c.InteractiveShellApp.extensions = ["lineapy"] in

If LineaPy is installed by an individual user, it will be accessible to that particular user only as long as they do not have a write permission on the shared environment. In this case, the user will need to run %load_ext lineapy at the top of their session as explained below.

Running LineaPy

Jupyter and IPython

To use LineaPy in an interactive computing environment such as Jupyter Notebook/Lab or IPython, load its extension by executing the following command at the top of your session:

%load_ext lineapy

Please note:

  • You must run this as the first command in a given session. Executing it in the middle of a session will lead to erroneous behaviors by LineaPy.

  • This command loads the extension for the current session only. It does not carry over to different sessions, so you will need to repeat it for each new session.

Alternatively, you can launch the environment with the lineapy command, like so:

lineapy jupyter notebook
lineapy jupyter lab
lineapy ipython

This will automatically load the LineaPy extension in the corresponding interactive shell application, and you will not need to manually load it for every new session.


If your Jupyter environment has multiple kernels, choose Python 3 (ipykernel) which lineapy defaults to.

Hosted Jupyter Environment

In hosted Jupyter notebook environments such as JupyterHub, Google Colab, Kaggle, Databricks or in any other environments that are not started using CLI (such as Jupyter extension within VS Code), you need to install lineapy directly within your notebook first via:

!pip install lineapy

Then you can manually load lineapy extension with :

%load_ext lineapy


For environments with IPython<7.0, you need to upgrade the package before the above steps:

!pip install --upgrade ipython

and restart the notebook runtime.


You can also use LineaPy as a CLI command or runnable Python module. To see available options, run the following commands:

# LineaPy as a CLI command
lineapy python --help


# LineaPy as a runnable Python module
python -m lineapy --help

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